Only using 10% of our brain, psychics and Father Christmas

So I ran into this nonsense again, someone saying that we only use 10% of our brain. *Sigh*. To anybody who actually sits down and thinks about it for a while, it is obviously false. For example, how many times have you heard of somebody having a stroke, in the part of the brain they don't use and therefore being unaffected, or how many times have you heard of somebody having a brain injury, but being unaffected by it....

Monday, 10 December 2007 · 8 min · Paul Smith

Shuttle Atlantis launch next year

Thanks to faulty sensors in the external fuel tank the launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis has been postponed again right back until the 2nd of January. It's mission is to carry the European Space Agency's Columbus lab to the International Space Station. However it, along with the Space Station will still be visible from the UK, the bad news is in the morning instead of the early evening. Unless of course it gets put back another three or four weeks....

Sunday, 9 December 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Doubled user accounts on Vista welcome screen

With Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC coming out next week for the general public, there are a few issues that they may come up against. The one that I've run up against is on my Motion LE1700 Tablet PC, when using the OmniPass password login software, this issue doesn't just effect SP1, but also some other updates that have been rolled out over the last year. Typically this can be solved by reinstalling the OmniPass software, however that is a lot of work and below is a quicker solution....

Saturday, 8 December 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Save the Labour Party - damn right

So in the wake of this whole Abrahams thing, the New Labourites are plotting to destroy the Union link, something they've been keen on doing for years but have so far been unable to. This will prevent Trade Unions from funding the Labour Party, their contributions would have to be dramatically reduced, and as such radically change how the Labour Party operates, it will force trade unionists to essentially make individual donations (and I can't see many doing that with how the government are carrying on)...

Monday, 3 December 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

What now for Venezuela?

Chavez has admitted that the reforms have been lost "for now", after his 33 proposed changes lost 49.3% to 50.7%, with 45% abstention, and the other 66 changes lost 49% to 51%. Minimum program for getting out of this situation should include: 1) Expropriation of all media outlets which in violation of electoral law encouraged people to stay at home because the outcome was obvious. 2) Expropriation of all media outlets which published blatant falsehoods about the reforms, including things like the state will own your children, and the reforms will turn the country into Cuba....

Monday, 3 December 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Venezuela’s Constitutional Reform: for a YES vote

Our comrades in Venezuela are today going to the polls, the media in the west are of course going on about how Chavez is an evil dictator and so on and so forth, and this move is only to centralise power in his hands because it abolishes term limits (well guess what we don't have term limits here yet and the media don't complain about that). So let's actually look at what is contained within these reforms....

Sunday, 2 December 2007 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Should Microsoft start building PCs?

With designs like these are think they should. These are some of the different concepts they came up with 2 or 3 years ago, as an example for PC manufacturers to take ideas from. Of course trust the PC manufacturers to bundle bloatware and insist on plain ugly looking boxes instead of producing high-quality machines. Would Microsoft entering the hardware business in the high-end force them to get their act together?...

Friday, 30 November 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

The difference between socialism, communism etc

So Brendan sent me a message a while back in which he asked: whats the difference between socialism, communism, leninism, and marxism? This is no simple question, but I will attempt to be brief as possible. To start off with its necessary to know a few back details. Starting with capitalism, capitalism dates back on average 200 to 300 years (it developed in Europe, and Europe then spread it throughout the world)....

Friday, 30 November 2007 · 8 min · Paul Smith

CNet fishing for traffic with nonsense Vista claims

I'm not going to link to the article in question but CNet have sunk to an all new low. They were doing a 'top ten terrible tech products', it had a few good mentions, Sony's rootkit on music CDs and a bunch of other things, but thrown in just to get some traffic was Windows Vista (in my opinion the best OS to date). They go on to say: Its incompatibility with hardware, its obsessive requirement of human interaction to clear security dialogue box warnings and its abusive use of hated DRM...

Wednesday, 28 November 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Shuttle Atlantis and ISS visible over UK next week and week after

Instead of doing what I normally do of posting with very little notice, I'm going to give some notice as these shuttle and space station flyovers seem pretty popular to readers of my blog. The Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch on the 6th of December, it'll be on a mission to the International Space Station carrying Europe's Columbus laboratory to the station. Like Endeavour's last mission back in August it will be visible from the UK in the evenings....

Tuesday, 27 November 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith