Brown's government even further right than Blair's

It certainly looks like it, most of the remotely "lefty" people in the cabinet have been moved off, and today Brown has finished appointing his junior ministers, some of which aren't even in the Labour Party, a few examples: We've got Sir Ara Darzi, health minister. Admiral Sir Alan West, Home Office minister, Lord Stevens advisor for international issues. Lord Malloch Brown, Foreign Office minister for Asia, Africa and the UN....

Friday, 29 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Atlantis ISS together in one phenomenal picture

This image is a huge leap past anything I've seen before, the amount of detail is far beyond what other people have managed to get from the ground (albeit they were using far smaller telescopes), usually most photographs show a T-shaped object fly through the field of view, but the amount of detail in this is incredible. This is a photograph of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the International Space Station together, taken from the ground....

Thursday, 28 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Bogosity, debunking creationism

I stumbled upon this guy's YouTube videos thanks to Phil Plait. Here he is taking on a few creationist claims, mainly from the damn evolution vs. creationism video that's been floating around for ages on many internet video websites, it's the one with the annoying host, with far too much money wasted on flashy graphics, yes that one, the one set in studio, made up to look like a court room....

Wednesday, 27 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Windows Home Server Connector on x64

It's nice to see Microsoft leading the field in support for 64-bit operating systems. Windows Home Server Connector, which is the little application installed on the clients which handles backups and opens the Home Server Console, doesn't install on x64. Officially the team says they don't have the resources to support x64 and so there will be no support at this time. What I want to know is why Microsoft isn't putting the money into the team to support x64....

Wednesday, 27 June 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

No thanks Quentin, clear off

Quentin Davies defects from the Conservative Party, a lot of Labour Party fans are cheering. Why? This is a guy who voted against the minimum wage, is pro-Fox hunting, anti-gay, anti-trade unions, and is hardly what I'd call Labour Party material. We've got enough of these Tories hanging around, we don't need anymore.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Brown and Harman

After a waste-of-time election we've got Gordon Brown and Harriet Harman, both solidly New Labour. You only need to look at the turn out, half of Labour Party members, and just 8% of affiliated Trade Unionists. I certainly couldn't vote for somebody who didn't nominate John McDonnell. I'm sick of right-wing politicians talking the socialist talk while busy selling off public services, the deputy leader election really brought some of this out....

Monday, 25 June 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Mac zealots' iPhone reality distortion field

Has anybody else noticed that the Mac zealots seem to be getting dumber lately? I spotted this (via Channel 9) on MacDailyNews: MacDailyNews Take: The IT guys are in for a rude awakening and the iPhone is only the beginning. They will have to accommodate the iPhone. Too many important employees will demand it and IT won't be able to stem the tide. The fact is that business people will decide which device they want to carry and their businesses will adapt to it....

Wednesday, 20 June 2007 · 3 min · Paul Smith

'Democracy' in action, the Lords boot Ken

It's nice to see the House of Lords, messing around with democracy again. They've recently amended the GLA bill, limiting the Mayor of London to two terms. As you can imagine the Tories and the Liberal Democrats are behind this, they know they can never defeat Ken Livingstone in an election so they call on their unelected buddies in the House of Lords to stop Ken from running. Pathetic. Abolish the House of Lords, simple....

Tuesday, 19 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Linux trolls taking over the internet

Time for a rant, the Digg crowd has been annoying me for some time, it's the same old anti-Microsoft Linux and Mac crowds, only probably some of the least mature out of them. I've just noticed that in the technology section the following was in the top 10 'Vote to have Linux Dell PCs available Worldwide'. What the hell? How come something like that possibly get in the top 10....

Monday, 18 June 2007 · 4 min · Paul Smith

Microsoft Surface

For those that haven't seen what Microsoft Surface is all about have a look at on10 for a demonstration of some different applications running on it. It'll be shipping this year at $10000, so very much aimed at the commercial space at the moment, but hopefully within 5 or so years it'll start becoming more mainstream. I want one of these as my coffee table, and we need some cool applications for it too....

Monday, 18 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith