Space Station and Space Shuttle visible from the UK

And other places too. This is the first time in a while that they've both been visible together in UK skies (I think it was two or three shuttle missions back the last time), they'll be visible for another 5 or 6 days from the UK. Together they come in at around magnitude -3 or there abouts. If you want to get the exact times for your location check out Heavens Above....

Wednesday, 13 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Channel 4 on Gordon's chopping block?

Great just great, the guy is not even in the Prime Minister yet and he's already got people working away to see if privatising Channel 4 is an option for him, from the Torygraph. Asked if Mr Brown might sell Channel 4 to raise an estimated £1 billion, a Treasury spokesman described the idea as "speculation" but declined to rule it out completely. [...] However, she is likely to be moved from her post when Mr Brown becomes Prime Minister....

Thursday, 7 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates interview

From AllThingsDigital: The great Silicon Valley soap opera has come full circle. Not since Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously interviewed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates as a possible suitor during the "Macintosh Dating Game" back in 1984 have the two men appeared in a joint bill. And at D5, the two shared a stage tonight for the first time in more than 20 years for what promises to be a historic discussion....

Friday, 1 June 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Halo 2 for Windows Vista fact check

I'm finding more and more nonsense about this release, this stuff from the forums. Check this guy out: Unless you get a Gold Windows Live account, you're basically playing a demo of Halo 2. Microsoft wants you to pay for stuff that is free in virtually every other PC FPS. Wrong, there's just so much wrong with this statement. Firstly, what on Earth is a Gold Windows Live account? There's no such thing....

Wednesday, 30 May 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Halo 2 for Windows Vista resolutions

I spotted the first review claiming Halo 2 on Windows Vista would only go up to 1680x1050 a few weeks back now. I've seen that number spread to a number of other reviews on much more popular websites which should know better. Halo 2 will go up to *at least* 1920x1200.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

In memory of the Paris Commune

One hundred and thirty six years ago today, the first attempt to create a truly democratic society was strangled by capitalism. The people of Paris took power into their own hands, establishing a participatory democracy in which the people of Paris themselves took part in government, from the bottom up. The Paris Commune was ruthlessly crushed by the armies of capitalism, at least fifty thousand people in Paris were slaughtered, one hundred and forty seven Communards were executed along a wall now known as the Wall of the Communards....

Monday, 28 May 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Close encounter between Saturn and the Moon

Yesterday evening I managed to snap Saturn and the Moon at an extremely close encounter, I would of got out earlier and taken some photos of them even closer, but I was busy trying to retrofit my Canon T-ring, with the thread from my Pentax T-ring, which was successful so I have pretty decent focus now when using my 350D at prime focus on my 6 inch TAL 2M reflector, it did delay me by about half an hour though....

Tuesday, 22 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Close encounter between Venus and the Moon

On Saturday, Venus and the Moon made a pretty close approach, we didn't get it as close in Europe as people did in the Americans, but it was a pretty close encounter nevertheless. I've got the high resolution (3456x2304) versions of these in the gallery.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Dell entering the Tablet PC market

Dell has just announced that they will be entering the Tablet PC market later this year. Visually it's a nice looking machine, and it does somewhat go against the recent trend for heavier convertible Tablets, like the Protégé M400 (bigger and heavier than the M200). So what do I want from this? Screen resolution wider than 1024 pixels when in portrait mode, so something like 1400x1050 like the M200. Although it looks like the shot in the video had perhaps 900 pixels wide, so if I'm right can we have an option for higher resolution screen please?...

Saturday, 19 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Labour MPs who nominated Brown

For the sake of the CLPs, here are all the Labour MPs that nominated Gordon Brown. I have to disagree with the People's Commissar who says the following: The sheer volume of MPs nominating Gordon speaks volumes about the unity in the PLP and it is time for all Labour members to get behind him and his new administration. The sheer volume of MPs nominating Gordon speaks volumes about the amount of Tory deadwood in the PLP and the lack of internal democracy and it is time for all Labour memebers to throw every MP who did not represent them out into the rubbish....

Thursday, 17 May 2007 · 9 min · Paul Smith