
Here's an image of Venus I took on Wednesday evening. This was taken with a 6 inch TAL 2M reflector and a Philips Toucam Pro II webcam. Image is the result of approximately 400 frames. You'll notice it has phases; this was one of the evidences for a Sun centred solar system. If Venus's orbit was outside that of the Earth, yet inside the Sun, you would expect Venus to maintain a very slim crescent....

Sunday, 6 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Tech companies and political donations

I see that Robert McLaws has done some digging to come up with the donations that tech company's employees have made to the two right-wing US political parties, the currently reigning Republican Party, and the Democratic Party. Google's employees it turns out is the most politically active, not that surprising really, with over $50 000 donated in total, Microsoft coming in second with just over $40 000. All the tech companies Robert covered gave more to the Democrats, except two, can you guess which?...

Friday, 4 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Halo 2 Windows Vista trailer

The video player uses Silverlight, so you'll need the plug in for Windows or Mac OS. Edit: I've decided to scrap the iframe and just have a link to the page here. This was put together (primarily the player) with Expression Media Encoder, once I can get my hands on RTM I'll be using that for Gamercast. Yes I know there's a big percentage thing in the middle when the video is playing and still downloading, when Silverlight supports Windows Media Server that'll go away, or when I edit it out of the player....

Thursday, 3 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

New Labour is dead

With the election results looking grim, surely it is clear to all that the New Labour project is dead. There is only one thing that can save the party from a potential general election defeat now, and that is the election of John McDonnell as leader and the breaking of the party from the ghouls of capital that have been haunting it for a generation. Along with that we need an expansion of democracy within the party, the rank and files members need to control it from the bottom up, to prevent bureaucratic build up and a bourgeois infestation....

Thursday, 3 May 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

May Day - International Labour Day

I was going to write something up about this myself, but time conspired against me. Instead I'll re-produce part of an article written by Terry McPartlan, published on May Day, international workers' day. On every continent the advanced layers of workers and youth celebrate interna­tionalist ideas and the struggle of the Labour movement. No surprise that the Tories in Britain tried to eradicate the holiday. No surprise either that workers' demonstrations are the focus of state repression around the world....

Tuesday, 1 May 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

The Estonian regime moved the statue

An utter disgrace, after protests about the Estonian government's plans to remove a Red Army war memorial in Tallinn, they went ahead and moved it to a secret location last night. One of the comments on the BBC News website was from Maria from Tartu. The Eestonians wouldn`t have anything against the statue, if it wouldn´t have been altered into a place where to wave red flags and chant "the landlords have returned"...

Saturday, 28 April 2007 · 3 min · Paul Smith

John McDonnell - Britain's first socialist Prime Minister?

Below is a 16 minute interview with John McDonnell, who is standing for the leadership of the Labour Party. John McDonnell has huge support with rank and file Labour Party and Trade Union members, however, he requires 44 nominations from Labour Party MPs to be put on the ballot paper. As you can imagine a lot of Labour Party MPs do feel intimidated by the existing Labour Party leadership to not nominate John McDonnell....

Tuesday, 24 April 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith

The difference between Stalinism, Bolshevism, Marxist-Leninism etc

I noticed on the CPGB website they had a little clip from a Radio 4 interview with their national organiser Mark Fischer, who I met a couple of years back, I don't agree with everything he says, I think the Trotskyist remarks are somewhat unfounded. But its good for people wanting to get a overview of some of the insults (and adjectives) that are used on the revolutionary left, people do ask me whats the difference between a Stalinist and a Leninist quite often hopefully this will help answer....

Friday, 13 April 2007 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Hilarious atheist nightmare videos debunked

I know I've posted the banana one up on Portal Forums, but I'd thought I'd cover it again here, as well as a new video. Simply because they're so dumb, you couldn't be any dumber if you tried. This is, frankly, in my opinion the finest work "creation science" has ever done, they moved into "creation comedy" so seamlessly. It is disappointing that some people have taken these seriously and have used them to re-enforce their beliefs, I look forward to a world where people, all people, will be educated and intelligent enough to laugh at how ridiculous these guys are....

Sunday, 8 April 2007 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Command & Conquer 3 problems with standard user

It seems Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars has a major issue with running as a standard user. Symptoms include standard users not being able to run the application, with the system reporting that it does not have permissions. In my experience this is due to the update application not setting the proper permissions on files after modifying them, it basically removes the users group from the CNC3.exe and other files....

Tuesday, 3 April 2007 · 2 min · Paul Smith