So long Mars Global Surveyor

After being launched some ten years ago and after returning 240 000 images of Mars, it appears the spacecraft come to an end of its career. The spacecraft hasn't made contact with the Earth since the 2nd of November, attempts to contact it have failed. The spacecraft being assembled: "Realistically, we have run through the most likely possibilities for re-establishing communication, and we are facing the likelihood that the amazing flow of scientific observations from Mars Global Surveyor is over,"...

Wednesday, 22 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

The Flood idea is dead wrong

I'll quote one of the Daily Creationism's recent posts about the Flood (not Halo): The Bible says that about four thousand years ago water covered the entire earth! There would of also been many volcanic eruptions because the Bible speaks about the mountains of the great deep breaking up. What a catastrophic event! If Noah's flood were true then you would expect to find some evidence for it. You would expect to find something like billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth....

Tuesday, 21 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Halo 3 public beta coming early next year

Microsoft have announced that Halo 3 will have a public multiplayer beta in the spring. Feedback will be used to improve multiplayer for the games release later in 2007. Awesome! Hopefully they'll time it so its released right around the PlayStation 3 launch.

Wednesday, 15 November 2006 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Answering the Daily Creationism

The Daily Creationism has asked a few questions of us evil "Darwinists", I am only too happy to answer. Take for instance the first bird. Did the bird breathe? Did it breathe before it evolved lungs? If so: How did it do this? Why did it evolve lungs if it was happily surviving without them? How did it know what needed to be evolved if its brain hadn't yet evolved? Did the bird have a mouth?...

Tuesday, 14 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Kent Hovind guilty of tax fraud

Kent Hovind aka Dr Dino, young Earth creationist, and his wife Jo have been found guility of tax fraud. He faces up to 288 years in prison and she faces up to 225 years. In other creationist news I see the Daily Creationism has returned, with the same old stale arguments and outright lies. Come on let's get some fresh arguments please, copying and pasting my old replies is so boring!...

Monday, 13 November 2006 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Transit of Mercury today

Before I start, I'll just mention a little safety tip - DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN. Mercury will be passing between the Earth and the Sun today. It'll appear as a tiny dot taking 5 hours or so to cross the whole solar disc. It'll kick off at 19:12 (UTC) and end at 00:10 (UTC). That's 11:12 Pacific time. From the BBC: The Sun is below the horizon then for myself and a lot of other people so we won't be watching this one....

Wednesday, 8 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Stop the massacre in Oaxaca! Down with the murderous governments of Fox-Calderon-Ulises Ruiz!

By Militante: Today federal troops burst into Oaxaca massacring the people - people struggling for justice, decent salaries for their children, and democracy so that they can decide their own destiny - under the excuse of restoring the "order" which they had previously violated. The best of the working people of Oaxaca have risen up to face the troops of the murderous government. The people are firmly resisting on the barricades....

Monday, 6 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Microsoft Max dead?

Yes, Microsoft Max has come to an end, but NeoSmart is claiming that: Contrary to what you’ve heard, Windows Vista will not be shipping with any of the original technologies, features, capabilities, or subsystems originally promised. Eh? Name one... WinFS WinFS, OK, but we've still got the end-user features that people associated with WinFS (instant search etc), and WinFS is still in the pipeline. Also WinFS doesn't have anything to do with Max, so why is it even related to your post?...

Saturday, 4 November 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

End the Mexican government

The Mexican government has the nerve to demand that "protesters" in the southern city of Oaxaca lift barricades and end their occupation of the city. Sorry to the un-elected bourgeois government, but the city of Oaxaca is under the control of the people, it has been since June and it will continue. Some parts from the BBC article: The demand came as hundreds of federal police sent by President Vincente Fox were seen arriving in the city....

Sunday, 29 October 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Too much Windows this and Windows that

I installed Windows Vista 5744 on my Tablet PC the other day, before I had a chance to install Toshiba's utilities to make the screen automatically rotate I went over to the Control Panel to change the orientation to portrait mode. Now to do this I was looking for the Mobility Center, which has all the mobile controls for brightness, rotation and so on. But I couldn't find it. After another few seconds, there it was hiding down the bottom, after all it's called Windows Mobility Center....

Wednesday, 25 October 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith