The Earth is older than 6000 years

Hi, I'm a woolly mammoth. Me and my kind were mooping around on Earth for about 1.5 million years, my ancestors originally came from Africa but over 6 million years or so we spread out quite a bit. It was pretty cold up north and the poor mammoths that weren't as woolly died out and soon we were all woolly. We died out completely around 10000 years ago, we know this because you guys haven't found any of my kind younger than that....

Tuesday, 16 May 2006 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Creationist anti-science

The Daily Creationism: Q: Why do creationists fight against science? A: That question has me confused. It wouldn't be the first time. Most major branches of science were started by creationists. Care to back that up with evidence? 2 million years ago on the planes of Africa. A child looked up at the sky. What would of been his or her thought when looking upon a star....? What is that? Or that was made by god....

Monday, 15 May 2006 · 5 min · Paul Smith

Creationists and more words

The Daily Creationism guy: If evolution and the big bang is true then that meant that all of the matter in the universe was squished in to a dot no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. That is one crowded dot! Then boys and girls the dot span faster and faster and faster and faster until bang the dot exploded and formed the whole universe. Billions of years ago there was a big bang in space....

Friday, 12 May 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Flight Simulator X rocks

Friday, 12 May 2006 · 0 min · Paul Smith

Creationists and words bad combination

The Daily Creationism: According to the evolutionary theory, comets are supposed to be the same age as the solar system, which is said to be about 5 billion years old. But each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it loses so mush of its material that it could not survive much longer 100,000 years. 1) Evolution deals with the origin of species, not comets. 2) The amount of time a comet survives depends on two things, a) the mass and composition of the comet b) the orbit of the comet....

Thursday, 11 May 2006 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Creationists and cosmology bad combination

The Daily Creationism: Galaxies wind themselves up to fast Stars rotate about the galactic center with different speeds. The inner stars rotate faster then the outer ones. The rotation speeds are so fast the if our galaxy were more than a few hundred million years old then it would not be in its present spiral shape. But our galaxy is supposed to be at least ten billion years old. Evolutionists call this the winding up dilemma...

Wednesday, 10 May 2006 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Halo 3

What do I have to do to get a morning off?

Tuesday, 9 May 2006 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Macs are PCs

Wow, seems like a while since I've done a technology post. Anyway Founder pointed out to me the new Apple adverts - more PC bashing of course. What always bugs me the most about these adverts is the fact Apple always brand themselves as not being a PC - in these specific adverts they've got two guys stood up, one guy in a suit trying to portray a PC, and some "...

Monday, 8 May 2006 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Halo 2 soundtrack volume 2

Released at last... And it's pretty good.... Now got ALL the tracks that I wanted from Halo 2, especially Unforgotten which is a really nice piece. Big thumbs up, been waiting ages for this.

Saturday, 6 May 2006 · 1 min · Paul Smith

80th anniversary of the 1926 general strike

I was planning on writing my own article on this today, however due to problems with the server my time was wasted elsewhere, instead I'll point to an article written 5 years ago on the subject by Socialist Appeal; Britain 1926 General Strike: On the Verge of Revolution: 75 years ago an earthquake shook the very foundations of British capitalism. In the greatest display of militant power in its history the British working class moved into action in the General Strike of 1926....

Monday, 1 May 2006 · 3 min · Paul Smith