Astrology - more ammo

Well Wester doesn't seem to want to budge. Wow, what a heap of anti-fanboy science desperate crap. Well if that's his counter argument may be I've already won. Bad Astronomy has a very good article up on astrology, way better then mine. I'll quote some sections to further reinforce the one I write last night, I covered a lot of the actual science behind it, but only had a paragraph on things they actually predict and say regardless....

Thursday, 29 September 2005 · 3 min · Paul Smith

Astrology not only wrong, its lunacy of the worst kind

It was bound to happen, a simple mix-up between astronomy (the science) and astrology (the rubbish) on the forums. Here's science coming to demolish absolutely any claims that astrology predicts things accurately, or has any other "magical" links to human beings. I'll focus on the star-sign stuff as that's what Wester was on about in his post on the forums. Astrologers claim the other planets effect our daily lives here on the Earth, depending on where they were when we were born, and where they are in the present day....

Thursday, 29 September 2005 · 5 min · Paul Smith

The astrophotography fund

We had a few cool space discussions lately on the forums. Cool! I've been interested in space and stuff since forever, I'll have to ask my mum if she can remember what got me started on it, but I remember spending whole evenings drawing the planets and things when I was about 4. I got a telescope when I was about 10, it was that cheap 60mm Tasco refractor - the type every science book and astronomer tells you do not buy....

Wednesday, 28 September 2005 · 4 min · Paul Smith

iPod Nano, impossible small - impossibly fragile

Now I've heard a lot of people talking about how fragile the new iPod Nano is since it came out, the original iPod could scratch quite easily but it had a very solid feel to it too. The iPod Nano has been out for a while, and we've got lots of experiences floating around on the internet, it seems it's in whole new league, you can scratch it with your finger nail, just keeping it in your pocket with nothing else for a few hours will make it look like it's been attacked by sandpaper....

Monday, 26 September 2005 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Cylons are people too

Back on Caprica before the attack, and sometimes I forget there was a world before the attack, I knew someone, a woman, unlike any other woman I'd ever known. She was unique, beautiful, clever, intensely sensual when she wasn't in my bed, she was in my thoughts. She was a Cylon, and she changed my life in a very real, very fundamental way. In that I have quite literary never stopped thinking about her, because I love her, to this very day I love her, and she looks exactly like you....

Sunday, 25 September 2005 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Time to close the forums?

Forums have a good spot, then they tend to go down hill unless the moderators run it like a police-state - which tends to make it go down hill only slower. The Portal Forums are on the decline, there's a lot more people, most of them alright but there's a bunch of people who just insist on getting into flame wars, those that every other post seems to be criticism of someone's post which just adds to the problem, temporary bannings tend to do nothing, I'd ban outright, but sometimes they contribute to the boards in a sensible fashion....

Friday, 23 September 2005 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Communism = democracy

I was having a little chat with Roodis today, for some reason the prospect of voting in our managers came about, and he snapped back saying something along the lines of "but you're a communist you don't like the idea of voting". Jeez where to start with something like that? I suppose I could sum up what the immediate aim of the communist revolution with the democractisation of the economy, that would be a good way to phrase it....

Wednesday, 21 September 2005 · 12 min · Paul Smith

Radeon X850XT PE + VIA SATA RAID = d'oh!

I picked up a Radeon X850XT PE a few days ago now, the card itself is a massive improvement over the Radeon 9800 Pro, this is on a Athlon 64 3200+. Runs everything I can throw at it at 1920x1200 great stuff. I'm making the post however to just get out on the web so more information on a few issues that arise with a VIA SATA RAID chip on some boards and the X800/850 chips, in my case on the KV8-MAX3 board, but it seems to effect all boards with the VT8237 southbridge....

Thursday, 15 September 2005 · 1 min · Paul Smith

Shock & awe in the tech world

The PDC is on at the moment so Microsoft have opened the floodgates, Channel 9 is overflowing with cool new videos. Bill Gates' keynote is now available, it's just short of 3 and a half hours but has some very cool stuff some of which also shown in the videos below. On the Channel 9 front: Office 12! For someone who uses Outlook and rarely uses Word, sometimes Excel I can never find more complex stuff, everything is buried under these menus that explode everywhere on the screen and it takes a good few minutes to find something, if at all....

Tuesday, 13 September 2005 · 2 min · Paul Smith

Portal Park Episode 4 is being worked on!

I know it's been a while since the last episodes 1, 2 and 3. But I've got an idea, and pretty soon I'll fire up OneNote and plan it out.

Monday, 12 September 2005 · 1 min · Paul Smith